Monument to Prince Branimir
   Photo: Monument to Prince Branimir

Monument to Prince Branimir set in the town of Nin, here is the residence of the prince. Duke Branimir famously received from John VIII the title of the Croatian prince. In fact, Prince Branimir became the first independent Croatia, which came out from under the control of Byzantium and the Franks.

In 879, Prince Zdeslav preceding Branimir, was killed by his supporters. The Holy See in the same year found that the entry of Branimir the throne would be lawful. Pope blessed Branimir and appointed him as the prince and his residence is located in Nina.

Croats honor the memory of the Prince, who worked to strengthen the independence and power of Croatia. Monument in Nina - thanks to the Croatian people to their liberator. Despite the close cooperation with the pope, Branimir managed to enter the parallel use of the Slavic and Latin in the liturgy. After the death of Branimir throne was inherited by his third son Trpimir I.

Monument in Nina - is not the only sign of reverence Branimir, besides preserved inscription with his name on the altars of various churches in Croatia. It is also one of the most important state awards in Croatia bears the name of prince Branimir.

The monument was erected on a stone pedestal in front of the gates of the town of Nin, the inscription on the pedestal - the name of Branimir.

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