Sanctuary Tayyuynbё
   Photo: Sanctuary Tayyuynbё

Tayyuynbё - is the mausoleum of the third shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu, the grandson of Ieyasu Tokugawa. Iemitsu ruled the country from 1623 until his death in 1651-m. As the ruler down in history, including the fact that the regime of isolation deepened Japan, conducted the persecution of Christians, suppressed economic and political freedom of the regional governors.

The temple is named after him: the name Tayyuyn a posthumous name of Iemitsu. Sanctuary in layout and architecture reminiscent of a temple located near Tōshō-gū, which is the burial place of Ieyasu Tokugawa, however, was built and decorated more modestly, in the form of the temple there is the influence of Chinese culture.

Construction Tayyuynbё led Ietsuna fourth shogun Tokugawa. It was completed in 1653, two years after the death of Iemitsu.

As Tōshō-gū in the temple complex Tayyuynbё combines elements of Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines. In Japan, this interpenetration of religion could be seen almost everywhere, up to the Meiji period, when the state was forced to carry out the separation of these faiths. From Shinto shrines removed all signs of Buddhism, or vice versa, but Tayyuynbё this separation was not carried out completely. Sanctuary was included in the Buddhist temple complex Rinnodzi.

Not far from the sanctuary Tōshō-gū located bright red Niomon Gate, the entrance to the Tayyuynbё. The next goal - a richly decorated Nitenmon their guard figures of two heavenly kings, close by are Drum Tower and Bell Tower. Gates Caramon set before Hayden - a hall for prayers that the inside is decorated with elaborately carved, it set gilded columns. Just behind Hayden Honden is the main hall, the two buildings are connected by a short corridor. Nearby is the tomb of Tokugawa Iemitsu.

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