Sanctuary Futarasan
   Photo: Sanctuary Futarasan

Shinto shrine Futarasan enters the temple complex known as Nishi-Ichizo - "two sanctuaries and one Buddhist temple," a UNESCO World Heritage Site and located in the National Park Nikko. Also in this complex includes a temple and sanctuary Rinnodzi Tōshō-gū. The sanctuary is located between Futarasan Tōshō-gū and mausoleum ruler Tokugawa Iemitsu Tayyuynbё.

The founder and Rinnodzi Futarasan in the VIII century, became a Buddhist monk-preacher Shodo-shonin once climbed to the top of the sacred - an extinct volcano Nantaysan, whose second name is Futarasan. The sanctuary was built in the year 767 at the top of the volcano, and was devoted to three kami - Shinto deities of the sacred mountains of the Tarot, and Nantali Nёho their names - Ёkuninusi, Tagorihime and Adzisukitakahikone. This is the oldest of the three temples called Futarasan in Nikko, another is located near the lake Tyuzendzi and third - near Tōshō-gū, built in 1617. It is recognized as one of the oldest buildings in Nikko.

One of the attractions of the sanctuary - bridge over the river Daya, red lacquer and recognized as one of the most beautiful bridges in Japan. Its length is 28 meters, width of about 7, 5 meters, height - more than 10, 5 meters. According to legend, the monk Shodo-shonin with followers could not get across the river, and in answer to his prayer came deity Jinja Daiya. It released the snakes of red and blue, who had built and formed a bridge arched like a rainbow. In the Middle Ages on the bridge could take place only envoys of the imperial court, to the general public it was opened only in 1973.

For a long time the church belonged to the sect shugendo monks in the mountains which were reclusive.

In mid-April on the territory of the sanctuary celebrate Yayoi Matsuri, during which perform ritual dances Kagura.

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