Nikko National Park
   Photo: National Park Nikko

Nikko National Park - is a big natural complex in the territory of which are mountains, waterfalls, forests, lakes, home to various animals as well as architectural monuments are located - Buddhist monuments and Shinto shrines. The park is located in the Kanto region northeast of Tokyo in four prefectures - Tochigi, Gunma, Fukushima and Niigata. This is one of the oldest national parks in the country (founded in 1934).

One of the natural attractions of the park - an extinct volcano Nantaysan, the eruption of which, a large lake Tyudzendzi. It feeds the river Yukawa, it contains a waterfall Ryuji. On the river flowing from the lake Dayyagava is almost hundred-meter height waterfall - Kegon. The park has a lot of hot springs. In the square, which occupies more than 140 hectares, you can also see and visit the alpine meadows, coniferous and deciduous forests. It is no accident the park is popular with hikers and fishing, as well as lovers of natural beauty: ewes paints local forests can be enjoyed from the end of winter, when the blooming plum, to late autumn, when the leaves turn red maples. In the park grow rare species of cherry, which is characterized by flowers with golden petals. The forests are deer, wild boars, spotted deer and bears, as well as macaques and pheasants.

For man-made attractions are several temples that have survived from the XVII century. One of the main temple is considered Tōshō-gū - the tomb of the ruler Tokugawa Ieyasu. Its complex has more than 20 buildings - ritual temple gate, pagoda, bronze tomb, which leads to the long staircase, as well as stables for the sacred horse.

It is also in a national park located Tayyuin sanctuary, built in the XVII century. It was built on a hillside and looks like a temple reserved similarity Tōshō-gū. Rinnodzi Buddhist temple was built in the park in the year 766, today it is possible to see the Buddhist relics - such as statues of Buddha Amida Nyorai, the goddess of mercy Kannon, and other values ​​of the church.

The park is located Takinoo and the sanctuary, which is visited by those who want to find true love or to resolve their "heart" of the problem.

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