Columbus Circle
   Photo: Columbus Circle

Columbus Circle - one of the main areas of New York, which lies near the southwest corner of Central Park. I named it, of course, in honor of Christopher Columbus.

The area, with its circular movement invented and created in 1905 by William Phelps Eno - a businessman and reformer city traffic. By 1900, although cars were still a rarity even in America, the mass of horse-drawn carriages have become a problem for New York. Eno first publicly raised the issue of safety of traffic, and in 1903 was the world's first city to traffic regulations. Never learned to drive a car, he came up with pedestrian crossings, one-way streets, taxi stand, refuges for pedestrians and traffic intersections.

Columbus Circle, with its roundabouts and represents a transport interchange connecting Broadway to Eighth Avenue and highways running along Central Park. Here is the point with the "kilometer zero" from which all distances are measured in New York. In addition, the area is very beautiful, and is famous for several monuments.

The first is rising in the heart of the monument of Christopher Columbus. Great Genoese navigator is very popular in the Americas. In the US Columbus Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October (because of this celebration often does not coincide with the actual date of the arrival of Columbus in the Bahamas archipelago, October 12). The monument represents a twenty-meter granite rostral column, on top of which is a marble statue of the discoverer.

Carve her Sicilian sculptor Gaetano Russo, funds for the installation of the monument to the 400th anniversary of Columbus' arrival in the New World gathered Italian diaspora. The monument was inaugurated in 1892, at the ceremony were about ten thousand people. A century later, the 500th anniversary of the expedition, the monument was restored by wrapping it in circular squares and beautiful fountains. Now it is a popular meeting place and recreation.

At the entrance to Central Park is another famous monument - the sailors of the battleship "Maine" exploded and sank in the roads of Havana in 1898. The death of 260 sailors served if the reason for the Spanish-American War. The monument is huge: on the massive pole hoisted trinadtsatimetrovom gilded female figure, which involve hippocampi (sea horses). The bronze figure cast from the cannons of the sunken ship.

The area is surrounded by well-known skyscrapers: Time Warner Center, which houses the headquarters of the television network CNN, and the Trump International Hotel. Before that, a building height of 176 meters set a huge, visible from afar Globe stainless steel.

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