Thermal tract "Pym-Va-Shor"
   Photo: Thermal tract "Pym-Va-Shor"

Thermal tract "Pym-Va-Shore" ("a stream of hot water" - translated from the Komi) is located on the border of the Republic of Komi and Arkhangelsk region. It is located in the basin Adzva River. "Pym-Va-Shor" since 2000 has the status of a specially protected natural area.

The name of this site is borrowed from the name of the creek, which is located here. The total area of ​​natural monument 2, 425 thousand. Hectares. This includes a set of 8 mineral hot springs, artificial structures, archaeological sites. The temperature of the warm springs - 20, 3-28, 5 °, cold - 1, 2-6 °. All winter springs are free of snow and ice even in strong frosts, it allows individual plants to keep growing season and winter.

This complex natural monument created to preserve and monitor the status of the biological diversity of natural area, which includes relict and rare species of fauna and flora, as well as thermal springs.

Complex natural monument is located at the place where Pym streams-Ba-Dar Shore and Shore Adzva River flow into the river. These streams as it cut through the mountain range ridge Chernyshev, which is parallel to Adzva River and has a length of 5-6 km. Dare Shore flows in a deep narrow canyon, falls down cascading waterfalls. 5 km from the mouth of Pym-Va-Shor cuts into coal limestone forming cliffs. Hot springs flows from the cracks of the rocks on the left side of the valley. Their predominant calcium bicarbonate waters and sodium chloride. Water content - sodium chloride, the degree of mineralization is 2, 1-3, 5 g / l, therefore these waters are type medical table. The water source is found high content of radon, iodine, radium, bromine and others. Sources have long known herders. Water they are treated with lung diseases, stomach and skin.

Thermal mineral springs Pym-Va-Shor are objects of geological heritage, as it is only in the Arctic Circle Hot Springs.

Outputs of warm waters in the valley create a special microclimate conditions, where spring and summer come much earlier than in the tundra. In early July, when spring is just beginning in the tundra, in the valley of the creek Pym-Va-Shor already summer. Lots of soil covered by high and thick grass, flowers. Here, in addition there are also dwarf ordinary birch.

On the creek Pym-Va-Shor nearby sources is "rude-Penzi" Samoyed temple, which is located in a cave, he had not visited.

In the tract are several karst formations. At the southern edge of the array of particularly large. They are small caves and shelters, located at an altitude of about 10 m above the creek. There were discovered the bones and horns of reindeer, woolly rhinoceros, musk ox, rabbit, fox and other animals, which gives reason to believe that there was a sacrificial place. The age of this layer with finds of bones is 24, 4 thousand. +350 Years. In 1952, on the banks of the river Adzva River GA Chernov were found two parking lots belonging to the Stone Age.

In addition to the archaeological and geological attractions of this unique natural monument with botanical point of view. In addition to the tundra grows here spruce and birch-juniper woodlands, willow, which since the days of the Holocene were rare plants listed in the Red Book of the NAO, such as Anemone sylvestris, black cohosh krasnoplodny, single-flowered cotoneaster, ortiliya obtuse; peony, and the rare mountain and tundra species: bloodroot Kuznetsova, lomatogonium rotate, arnica Ilyin, bluegrass gray, moonwort north, puzyrniki Dyke, Woods smooth, thin saxifrage, gastrolihnis bezlepestny, pololepestnik green. Among the rare birds in these places there are fronted goose, peregrine falcon, grouse, merlin and others.

On the territory of the natural monument is forbidden: damaging or cutting down trees and shrubs; to conduct geological and agricultural work; extract minerals, to establish waste rock dumps; pave roads, pipelines, power lines; collect plants listed in the Red Book; Collection collecting materials and precious stones, etc.

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