Tower Pyrgos Himarou
   Photo: Tower Pyrgos Himarou

Pyrgos Himarou Tower - one of the main attractions of the Greek island of Naxos, as well as an important historical and architectural monument. The tower is located in the southeastern part of the island halfway between Mount Zas (the highest peak of Naxos) and the sea, towering on the hilltop.

Pyrgos Himarou Tower - an impressive fortification round shape that took the original four floors and was built presumably still in the 4-2 centuries BC The tower currently stands at almost 15 meters and its original height was about 18 m. The tower was built of local marble without a solution and has double walls. The outer walls of the tower are made of rectangular blocks of the same size, some of them even today you can see the mark of the ancient stonemasons - «E. V. O »The thickness of the walls - 1, 1 m, with outer dimeter buildings - 9, 2 m. The entrance tower is located on the south side and above it at a height of 10 m (the level of the second floor) is the only window of the building. To the left of the entrance begins to build in the wall marble staircase. Along the perimeter of the tower it was protected by extra thick walls of about 1 m and height - 2 m, which is only partially preserved to this day.

These towers were widespread on the islands of the Aegean Sea, but up to now in most cases reached a foundation. Tower also Himarou Pyrgos is a rare exception - it is quite well preserved to this day. True, it is necessary to clarify that only well-preserved outer walls of the tower (except the top), but its interior is in poor condition - internal masonry crumbling and destroyed much of the stairs. Some scholars suggest that the roof of the tower had a flat shape and was surrounded by a low wall of the gear, but hard data to support this version has not been found.

Pyrgos Himarou Tower was one of the most important fortifications of the island. Mention of the tower found in local folklore. Today the tower is under reconstruction.

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