River Kutsayoki River
   Photo: River Kutsayoki River

Kutsayoki River River in the south-west of Murmansk region of the Russian Federation. Proceeds she uninhabited area near the Russian-Finnish border. The river is measured at 44 kilometers. Mostly maximum depth of 6 meters. The river bed is mainly sandy and rocky. Beach sand and in most supeschatye, but sometimes c stone gravel and boulders, height of 1 - 4 m, the steepness of 10-30 degrees. There are cliffs up to 30 meters. Floodplain wetlands in places, intermittent. River originates from Lake Nivayarvi Kutsayoki River, in the place where the two rivers and Ontonyoki Vuosnayoki River. It merges with the river itself Tuntsayoki, thereby forming a river Tumcha.

The closest to the river settlements are the village Alakurtti and unpopulated village Vuoriyarvi. The river has many rapids and Shiver, which are formed by rocky outcrops. It also has two large waterfalls. Small Waterfall Yaniskengas reaches a height of about 8-10 meters. In tourist guides and reports it is called "two-on." For boating waterfall is considered passable, but the complexity of the passage refers to the six categories. However, at present there is an additional risk of falls, the thing is that with the influx, he did not hear and visually hardly noticeable.

Big Yaniskengas - so called second waterfall on the river Kutsayoki River. The angle is approximately 70-80 degrees. The height of nearly 20 meters. The waterfall has 3 levels. First - nearly 7 meters, the second - about 12 meters, the third - about1, 5 m. The tourist guides known as "Ma." This waterfall is extremely dangerous and difficult to pass, but the brave do not give up trying. There are five cases of successful development of the waterfall kayakers. The waterfall has a subsidiary risk, as well as previous falls, with the influx, he can not be heard and barely noticeable visually. No matter what, the river enjoys great popularity among water tourists. It is worth noting that the very picturesque waterfalls and decorate the route.

In addition to these waterfalls on the river are still present interesting and challenging rapids, among which are the following: "close", "Doubtful", "Waterfall" and "step".

In November, more precisely in the first half, the river freezes Kutsayoki River and opened in mid-May. In late winter, ice thickness is 0, 7-1 m. However, not all frozen river rapids areas remain intact. During the floods, which usually occurs during the second half of May and early June, the water level is increased by 2-3 meters. Low water period begins in late July and lasts until September. During the summer rains in Kutsayoki River water level may rise by 1 meter. Kutsayoki River The river is not navigable, the supply of water is replenished by rain and snow.

The vegetation on the banks of the standard taiga birch, pine, spruce. The berries - cranberries, cloudberries, blueberries, blackberries (sometimes do not have time to mature during the summer). Mushrooms - boletus, russula, white, aspen, and others. The fish mainly grayling, trout, perch, pike, roach, trout catches. Many birds - geese, grouse, ducks and swans can be seen and cranes. Of the large animals - bears and elk.

The climate of the area, due to the location near the polar circle, especially at the beginning of the summer, malopriyaten, characterized by sharp changes in the weather. However, the combination of high mountains, narrow canyons, powerful rapids and picturesque with plenty of mushrooms and berries, as well as good fishing is a good incentive for tourists. And the name of the river itself speaks for itself, because Kutsayoki River in translation means "calling to the river."

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