Nikulin Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard
   Photo: Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard

Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard is one of the oldest in the country.

The building was built specifically for the circus, architect August Weber. Circus Albert Salamonsky opened October 20, 1880. The presentation was attended by the best gymnasts, acrobats, jugglers, riders, clowns - gymnasts, and Albert himself Salamonsky with trained stallions.

The circus was staged an unusual ballet - pantomime "Life in the winter evening." Artists skating and sledding, and a member of the comic scenes. The circus hosts Christmas performances with dances around the Christmas tree and dancing with gifts for all children. Salamonsky first began to organize the morning shows for children. Especially for children in 1895 was the ballet - pantomime "The Fairy Doll". Attended circus performances all sectors of society. The most accessible are the tickets to the gallery.

Salamonsky tried to keep the circus was fun to make people laugh. He drew in his many performances of clowns. In the arena of the Moscow Circus performed the world famous clown Tanti, Veldman, Bernardo, Kristen, and clowns Kozlov Vysokinsky, Bim - Bom and others. In the arena were famous artists: Williams Truzzi, jumpers Sosin, jockeys Herbert Cook and Basil Sobolewski. Much attention Salamonsky attached participation in programs trained animals.

Since 1919, the circus was the Soviet State Circus. Many years in the arena of the Moscow circus trainers were Anatoly and Vladimir Durov. A favorite for many years was an illusionist Kio. In the circus worked many famous actors: B. Vyatkin, D. Alper, O. Popov, Yuri Nikulin, M. Shuydin and many others.

In 1946, after the war, Yuri Nikulin enrolled in school at the Moscow Circus. He worked in the studio clown. After the end of two years, assisted by the famous clown pencil. In subsequent years, he performed on stage as a clown with his regular partner - a clown Shuydin Michael and his wife Tatiana. From 1982 to 1997 he was general director and artistic director of the Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Since December 1996 the circus was named "Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard."

In September 2000, in front of the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard was a monument to Yuri Nikulin. The author of the monument is sculptor Rukavishnikov.

From 1985 to 1989 the circus building was reconstructed. Works led the Finnish company «Polar». The money for the reconstruction of Yuri Nikulin helped get Nikolai Ryzhkov. The building and the arena "Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard" have the most modern equipment.

Nowadays business continues Yuri Nikulin, his son - Maksim Nikulin. In 1997, he was unanimously elected Director-General of the circus, after the death of Yuri Nikulin. Maxim Nikulin came to work in the circus on the colored at the invitation of his father. Since 1993 he has worked in the circus director - manager. In his charge was all the administrative work of the organization. In addition, he oversaw all ties with Russian and foreign partners of the circus. Under his leadership, the circus performed a variety of programs, including "The Circus" (2008), "Country" (2009), "The Clown Time" (2010), "Thank you, Circus" (2011).

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