Museum-panorama "The Battle of Borodino"
   Photo: Museum-panorama "The Battle of Borodino"

Museum-panorama "The Battle of Borodino" includes three exhibitions. The existing main building of the museum is located on Kutuzovsky Prospekt (the former territory of the village of Fili).

The basis of the museum is a hut in Fili Council. After a fire in 1868 it was rebuilt by the description made before the fire. The only authentic image of the cottage is considered a sketch by the artist Alexei Savrasov Kondratievich. In "Kutuzov hut" located exhibition devoted to the military council of the Russian generals, which took place in Fili September 13, 1812 and His Serene Highness Prince Mikhail Kutuzov.

Panorama of the Battle of Borodino made FA Roubaud and completed in 1912, the 100th anniversary of the battle of Borodino and the War of 1812. Customer grand scenic product was Emperor Nicholas II.Konsultantami when creating works were Myasoedov and Kolyubakin. Panorama was opened in the pavilion, which was built for her on Clean Ponds, in 1912.

In 1918, Borodino Panorama was closed and demontirovana.Vnov it opened in 1962, the 150th anniversary of the battle, in a special building on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Lengthy restoration works carried out group of artists of the central scientific and restoration workshop. He managed a team of artists MF Ivanov-Churonov. The building to house designed by architect Borodino Panorama Kuchanov, Korabel'nikov, Kuzmin and engineer Avrutin.

Borodino Panorama and "Kutuzov hut" made a single memorial complex associated with the events of the War of 1812, resulting from the former Poklonnaya Hill.

In December 2007, the museum opened the department "Museum Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia." In 2006, the Moscow mayor's office made a decision on construction of a building for the exhibition of materials collected by the Foundation to support the transfer of Heroes and "Museum of Heroes" in the management of the Museum-panorama "The Battle of Borodino."

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