   Photo: Brunnthal

The name of the town Bruntal Czech knows every student. This city was the first Czech settlements received Magdeburg rights that occurred during the reign of King Premysl Ottokar I in 1213. Write about this event is available in the Charter in 1223. From it, we first learn about the city Brunnthal.

Citizens extremely proud of its status of the village. They had a lot of privileges, which attracted new residents in Brunnthal. The city grew, prospered, and now in the vicinity of discovered deposits of precious metals. Mines miners brought a steady income.

At the beginning of the XIV century Brunnthal was part of the Principality of Opava, which has lost most of his possessions after the Thirty Years War. City Brunnthal was given to King Charles I, who led at the time of the Teutonic Order. So we came to power the Teutonic Knights who founded here their leytenantstvo. When collapsed Austro-Hungarian Empire, the city became a Czech. It remains so to this day.

The main attraction of this provincial town, whose name comes from the German Freudenthal and translates as "Valley of Joy", is considered to be a castle surrounded by an impressive park where there is an artificially created pond, terrace, comfortable benches, graceful statues. Survived to this day and remains of walls. They can be seen while walking around the city.

One of the most interesting buildings of the city is called Gabriel House. It is located on an area of ​​the world and is used for the exhibition of the city museum. This mansion was built in the XVI century and has a very original pediment distinguishes it from similar Renaissance buildings. Among the city's churches may be noted Evangelical temple and church of the Assumption of the Mother of God.

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