Holy Ascension Cathedral
   Photo: Holy Ascension Cathedral

Holy Ascension Cathedral is located in the southeast of the city of Monchegorsk, near Mount Poazuayvench. In the distant 1930, it housed the administration building plant "Severonikel." In 1992, on the eve of the feast of the Holy Trinity, were solemnly laid 5 hallowed stones: the corners of the church and under the altar. And in 1995 the city of Monchegorsk heard ringing 9 bells of the cathedral. Weight of the largest bell - 1,200 kg, and the smallest - 45 kilograms.

In parallel with the installation of bells artists, builders and painters worked on the interior of the cathedral: the iconostasis were made, painted frescoes. Walls, floors and pillars covered with decorative stone. As a result of careful selections of colors of rocks, stone interior of the church was the elegant and majestic. The staircase leading to the main entrance to the church, lined with black gabbro.

In early 1997, at the Holy Resurrection Cathedral clergy was first held worship and the temple turned into action. A July 7, 1997 the cathedral was consecrated in Monchegorsk arrived Patriarch of All Russia Alexy II.

Holy Ascension Cathedral - white with golden heads, directed upwards. He's like a hero, if that came out of the mountains, and as in a mirror, looks proudly in the water of the local lake Imandra, then face breaking through the waves gold shiny domes, then sinking a bright white silhouette in the dark water. The current Monchegorsk, conceived by organizers as "Sotsgorod" without cathedral can not be imagined.

Since 1996, the responsibilities of the abbot takes the father of John (Ivan Bayur). Active, energetic, head of a large family (5 children), he immediately called the respect and love of the congregation. For great contribution to the strengthening of civil society and the revival of moral and spiritual traditions of his father John was awarded the medal "For Service to the Motherland» II degree.

Currently, the church held a wedding, baptism. Many people, including those from the region meet in the big church holidays. The liturgy of this day is often carried out by Archbishop Simon of Murmansk and Monchegorsk.

Before the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in 2007, Archbishop Simon consecrated a small church, which is called the Chapel of the congregation. It was built with the main cathedral, but at the time did not have enough money to finish the interior. And only 10 years later, chapel appeared before the townspeople in all its glory: Radiant, cozy, "home". It is used for small services. Named in honor of the chapel of St. Basil, Moscow miracle worker. But locals know on whose initiative the city had this shrine, and has long called it St. Basil. The initiator of the construction of the Holy Ascension Cathedral in the difficult 1990s was Khudyakov Vasily Mikhailovich - Director of the enterprise "Severonikel." In those hard times in the country delayed payment of salaries, the city does not build, but the church was founded. And this was done in order to return people to the faith and to provide support in life.

Since that time, the Monchegorsk cathedral became even more beautiful. His appearance has changed. It was made of red brick, and now - it is white (covered with paint). There was also lined with paving slabs on the stairs of the temple and on a track around it. It was built fence around the cathedral and the bus stop. The parishioners and students of the Sunday school were established flower beds, planted with flowers and a variety of lilac bushes, rose hips and black currants.

The church Sunday school. In her study, children and adults. Graduates have the ability to act not only in the public higher education institutions, but also in religious schools and the academy.

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