Marseille Fashion Museum
   Photo: Marseille Fashion Museum

On the street in Marseilles is Canebière "pole" attraction fashionistas and shopaholics - Mediterranean Fashion Centre. It houses the Museum of Fashion, which was founded in the 80s of the last century.

Center and Museum located in a building designed by Baron Georges-Eugene Haussmann, the famous reformer of the XIX century, that was prefect of the department of Seine-shaped appearance in Paris. Restoration of the building was carried out in 1991 with the participation of the architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte, the famous architect of our time, whose work can be seen not only in France but also in Russia (for example, the reconstruction of the factory "Red October").

Museum halls occupy two floors of the building, the total exhibition area of ​​over 600 square meters. meters. The period that covers the museum exposition - the second half of the XX and the beginning of XXI centuries. It collected thousands of items of clothing, and the account is kept jewelry and other accessories carried by tens of thousands. Presented in the museum works of French couturiers allow to plunge into the world of contemporary fashion and fashion an idea of ​​the Mediterranean. Here you can see not only exquisite outfits, which are referred to as works of art, but also casual wear for men and women. These things can be traced back as fashion changes over the past half-century, what trends prevailed in it.

The museum often hosts exhibitions, and students of design and textile universities come here to improve their skills, fashion historians also find a lot of useful and interesting.

Besides fashion center, on the street Canebière, which is a pedestrian, as well as on the adjacent street are other attractive for shopaholics "attractions" - boutiques and shops.

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