Landscape reserve "Cheremenetsky"
   Photo: Landscape reserve "Cheremenetsky"

State natural landscape reserve of regional importance "Cheremenetsky" was founded in the 76th year of the XX century. Located on the territory of the Luga district, Leningrad region, 8 km south-east from the city of Lugano. Before the reserve can be reached without going through Lugu, then - on the road towards the villages Navolok or Yugostitsy Gorodets and to the border of the reserve. Area of ​​the reserve "Cheremenetsky" of 7100 hectares, including the waters of the lakes, which - 3,500 hectares.

The purpose of the reserve "Cheremenetsky" is to preserve the ancient preglacial lakes with the surrounding coniferous and deciduous forests, natural complexes of 2-core big lakes: Cheremenetskoe and Vrevo. For the territory of the reserve is characterized investment attractiveness, which is expressed in the future organization of family leisure, sport and recreational fisheries, eco-tourism.

Both lakes are elongated in the meridional direction: Cheremenetskoe - 13 kilometers Vrevo - 15. Most of the coastal area is agricultural land. Around the lake grows Vrevo birch with admixture of oak, and there are fragments of spruce and oak forests. The northern area of ​​the lake is surrounded by solid Cheremenetskoe forest consisting of spruce and oak, with ungulates, hazel, prolesnikom, goutweed. The northeastern shore of the lake is covered with an array of Elm forests with goutweed, and the northern part of the reserve - spruce and pine forests blueberry.

The fauna of the reserve is largely represented by species of southern origin. For the coastal zone is characterized by the lakes of the lake dwelling frogs. Also known too, crested newt, sand lizard. Here there are nests of black vulture, the white stork, Kestrel, Hen Harrier, quail, moorhens, klintuha, coots, roller, kingfisher, hoopoe, drozdovidnoy warbler, nuthatch. The mammals live hare, hedgehog, wild boar, the garden dormouse. From time to time in the territory of roe. The lake is home to Vrevo limnokalyanus - glacial relict marine crustacean. In both lakes, pike, bream, burbot, roach, perch, ide, lake Cheremenetskoe - trout.

In the reserve you can see the old mansions with parks and Cheremenetsky John the Theologian monastery.

Specially protected objects of the reserve are areas of deciduous, mainly coniferous-deciduous and elm forests, rare species of animals and plants: the crested newt, marsh frog, too, stock-dove, white stork, garden dormouse, green woodpecker, roe deer, limnokalyanus, gentian Phillips , stevia konoplevidny, paltsekornik Baltic, the chamber open.

The reserve "Cheremenetsky" forbidden: the use of pesticides and toxic chemicals to process forest and agricultural land in the water protection zone, all kinds of hydraulic engineering and land reclamation, removal of soil from the bottom of the lakes; fires in forests and commissioning burns; Fishing nets in the lakes, the use of small motor means swimming in the waters of the lakes; the development of mineral resources; release of untreated wastewater into ponds and streams that flow into them; transportation, parking and car wash outside of public roads and abroad specially designated parking areas; release of waste.

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