Trafalgar Square
   Photo: Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square - the main square of London and the country, embodying its former greatness. There Londoners Churchill declared May 8, 1945 of the victory in World War II, this Christmas tree put home country, where a rally and celebrate.

Area - the property of the British Crown. Prior to the beginning of the XIX century here in the heart of the capital, the royal stables. In 1820, George IV commissioned the architect John Nash redevelop quarter. Nash, however, died before he could complete the project, the implementation of its plans engaged architect Charles Barry. He managed to organically combine the space area is being constructed to the north of it designed by William Wilkins Building of the National Gallery, which was criticized for "lack of grandeur." The result was magnificent, truly imperial architectural complex worthy of a world power.

The visual center of the square - Nelson's Column, set here in 1843 to commemorate the victory of the British fleet on the Franco-Spanish at Trafalgar. In the original draft did not include the area of ​​the column, it was erected on it public donations for the project by William Railton. On top of the 46-meter-high granite column set nearly six-meter statue of Admiral Horatio Nelson, who commanded the British fleet during the battle and was killed on the first day of her French sniper's bullet. Bronze ornament on a column cast from British cannons metal panels on a pedestal - metal captured French guns. The base of the column surrounded by four giant stone lions roaring, sculpted in 1867 by Edwin Landseer.

Between the columns and the National Gallery on the Square are two huge fountain set there in 1840. In 1939, they were bronze Tritons, mermaids and dolphins fountain was named after the First World Admirals Beatty and Jellicoe.

In 1841, at the four corners of the square were built pedestals for the monuments of statesmen. On one of them now stands a monument to King George IV, on the other - Major General Henry Havelock (suppressed the revolt sepoys in India), the third - General Charles Napier to James, commander of the British army in India.

Fourth plinth is empty for a long time. From time to time it hoisting works of contemporary art. Now British society is discussing the idea of ​​a monument to put here, Margaret Thatcher. The debate comes very lively, and there have Baroness vehement opponents. It went to Trafalgar Square with champagne after the death of "Iron Lady" hundreds of her haters chanting "witch is dead! ". The British newspaper "The Telegraph" ironically proposed in this regard discuss the worthiness of honor stand in the area of ​​Admiral Nelson himself - he, too, was a figure of "ambiguous", started an affair with Lady Hamilton.

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