City Police Museum
   Photo: City Police Museum

City Police Museum is located where it should be, - in the city, inside the police station on Wood Street. His collection is just one room, but it is rich, varied and very interesting.

Do not confuse this museum with the so-called Black Museum of Scotland Yard, closed to outsiders. City police - not the same thing as the London police. Since ancient times, "square mile" has its own security forces. Some researchers conduct their ancestry from the Roman period, indicating that the old hat "Bobby" is shaped like a Roman combat helmets. It is a fact that the area on Wood Street, built on the site of the ancient fortress, which were based and police forces of the Romans.

Until 1839 the rule of law in the city was guarded day and night sheriffs. Then, day and night patrol police have been merged, but to preserve the independence of the Metropolitan Police. Working in one of the largest financial centers in the world, guards City have accumulated vast experience fighting fraud and economic crime. The police here - a special form, the commissioner for special occasions puts the court uniform with gold braid and a cocked hat with white swan feathers.

It is a collection of police uniforms, since 1829, is the brightest part of the museum's collection. The impressive exhibition dedicated to the Victorian era - are exhibited tools and weapons of criminals, as well as form, batons and "communications" police: to signal until 1886 used wooden rattles. In the future, some simple devices have been replaced by whistles. In the middle of the XX century City police have used the portable radio on current concepts rather cumbersome - they can be seen on a separate stand.

According to the museum, the most serious crimes in the city occur infrequently. A separate stand tells about the "murder on Haundsditch" and "siege of Sidney Street." In 1910, a gang of robbers tried to break into a jewelry store on Haunsditch, the owner of a nearby shop called the police. In the shootout killed three guards of the order (in the museum model of a jewelry store, in which the firing). In January 1911 the police tracked down the gang and laid siege to the house on Sidney Street where robbers hide. The battle lasted six hours the building was burning, but arrived Interior Minister Winston Churchill banned the firefighters put out the fire.

The museum displays old photos: Churchill at the head of the police inspects the battlefield. The scent did not disappoint staunch anti-communist: the gang entered the Latvian radical left, including one Yakov Peters. To the dismay of Churchill Peters Court acquitted for lack of evidence. Six years later, in Soviet Russia, Peters became a founding member of the Cheka.

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