Jami Kebir Mosque
   Photo: Jami Kebir Mosque

Limassol is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Cyprus: the tourists call it the city-holiday and loved him for his boisterous and fun carnivals and shows. In addition, the city has many attractions, historical, cultural and architectural monuments. For example, one of the largest mosques in Limassol Jami Kebir (sometimes also called Jami Kebir) is considered a fine example of traditional Islamic architecture. It is located directly across from the Limassol city fortress, just a few hundred meters to the northwest of it, and next to the mosque are the famous Turkish baths, hammam.

The exact date of the creation of Kebir Jami is unknown, but presumably it was built in the late XVI century. This ancient mosque built of white stone, both inside and outside is striking in its elegant simplicity. Its small barred windows passed a sufficient amount of light, but at the same time inside the preserved rather mysterious atmosphere and the thick walls make it possible to maintain the room pleasantly cool even on the hottest days.

Currently Kebir Jama is valid, although the Muslim community that it is visited, very small, and the mosque is often closed. In addition, it is officially closed to tourists, but with a strong desire to get everything you can - for a small donation for maintenance of the temple opened it for the most curious and insistent visitors. But do not forget that at the entrance must be sure to remove your shoes and women must also cover the head.

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