Folk Art Museum
   Photo: Museum of Folk Art

Folk Art Museum is one of the most interesting and informative museums in the city of Limassol. He began his work in 1985 and is located in a beautiful, renovated two-storey building of the XIX century, which is located on the street St. Andreas.

The museum's collection is mainly composed of rare and ancient objects of the late XIX - early XX centuries, located in six large halls. They collected art objects, household items, clothing, jewelry, tools and even furniture, made by craftsmen of Cyprus - more than 500 exhibits.

For example, the Museum has a fine collection of porcelain tableware, which has about 30 dishes in different styles, some of which have been made even in 1725. And in the other rooms you can see a large loom, bed, casual clothing and traditional costumes, exquisitely embroidered, products, woven from beads, pottery, tapestries, paintings. It is worth noting wonderful linens and bedspreads, which were collected by the Cypriots as a dowry for the bride and traditionally kept in decorative chests are also represented in the museum.

Remarkably, the museum's collection is constantly updated, there are new exhibits that come to him from all over the island. Often this is due to the local people who give the establishment of antiques found in attics and basements.

In 1989, the museum received the award Europa Nostra, which is awarded for the restoration and maintenance of cultural sites in Europe.

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