City Art Gallery
   Photo: City Art Gallery

One of the largest and most famous galleries, which are devoted to contemporary art in Cyprus is a gallery located in the city of Limassol. In it you can see the amazing works of world famous Cypriot artists of different times as Adamantios Korais, Tilemahus Cantos, Christoforos Savva, Vasilis Vrionides, Nicos Nicolaides, Victor Ioannides, Takis Frangoudes and many others.

The idea of ​​creating such a picture appeared in 1984, then for it was even officially allocated space - 30 January Consul L.Zinonos solemnly handed over to the municipality one of the buildings belonging to it. This beautiful house was built in 1938 by architect Ginsburg. The official opening took place with the participation of the then mayor Anthony Hadzhipavlou June 26, 1988. And already in 1996 specifically for the needs of Galleries new building was constructed. It transferred all the work of contemporary artists, both well-known artists as well as beginners. All their works are truly unique and all are in very different genres and styles, from classical to the latest trends and directions in art.

Total collection of the gallery includes more than 600 works of various kinds and forms - painting, sculpture, ceramics, installations, etc. Basically, in the Gallery of the works of painters and sculptors who live in Limassol, or worked there even if not a very long time. However, it has many of the masters from other cities and even countries. In addition, the gallery also hosts exhibitions of international artists.

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