Cathedral of Agia Napa
   Photo: Cathedral of Agia Napa

One of the most famous and visited the Orthodox churches of Limassol - the Cathedral of Agia Napa, placed a respectable center of a residential and shopping district, is a perfect example of the mixture of several architectural styles, as well as Greek and Byzantine church traditions.

The history of the cathedral began in 1903 .  That's when it was built by the Greek architect Papadakis on the site of an old Byzantine church, built in 1740, still .  A large white building of the cathedral, standing right in the middle of residential houses, immediately catches the eye .  Outside the temple is quite simple and restrained, despite the abundance of small parts - openwork lattices, narrow windows with colored glass, fine stucco and stone carving patterns .  On either side of the entrance tower two large quadrangular tower and the roof is topped with a neat dome .  But inside this cathedral amazes visitors with its magnificent decoration and trim - massive columns, high arches, decorated with gilded stucco work, colorful frescoes .  One of the main values ​​of the cathedral is the icon, which depicts Jesus Christ surrounded by the twelve apostles, - it is completely hand-embroidered with silk thread and decorated with golden lace trim .  Despite the fact that the icon was created not so long ago, but it is a work of art, it has already become fairly well known .

But the greatest popularity among believers and tourists Cathedral of Agia Napa purchased through the relics stored there - the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary and the belt of the Virgin.

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