Český Dub
   Photo: Český Dub

Honey, the provincial town of Český Dub is situated not far from the edge of the capital - the city of Liberec. There live 3000 inhabitants, but despite this, it has its own castle, which is considered one of the most interesting monuments in the Czech State, and thick walls with a guard tower, and the Renaissance town hall, and many other historic buildings.

Český Dub was formed a long time ago - in the XII century, allowing you to carry it to the oldest Czech towns. Since before the city based on the trade routes to the traveling merchants, it was a place to stay, then Český Dub was no exception to this rule. In the XIII century on the territory of the new settlement laid the monastery for the Order of Knights of St. John. It is this complex subsequently became the basis for the local castle. By the way, in the castle preserved chambers where monks lived. They can be seen during the tour. Guides show and survived the furniture items, decorated with intricate carvings and frescoes on the walls, and a collection of glassware.

In Český Dub and Podyeshtedsky is a museum with a rich collection on the history of the Liberec Region. It occupies the villa of a rich businessman early XX century Conrad Błaszki.

However, Český Dub go yet, not for a castle or museum. This famous luxury resort, which is located near the most attractive in terms of ski mountains. For example, a stone's throw away to the slopes of Mount Ještěd. Cesky Dub summer offers hiking and bike trails that cover all of the most scenic spots in the area.

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