Church of Our Lady "The painting"
   Photo: Church of the Virgin Mary "The painting"

The original temple with an unusual circular design of the facade and squat towers can be seen in the northern district of Liberec Ruprehtik. The church of the Virgin Mary "The painting" built to pay tribute to the pilgrims, who always visited local places. They were attracted to the healing water springs, known from the XV century.

At the beginning of the XIX century, the land on which housed the district Ruprehtik, were owned by the mayor of the city on behalf of IG Weber. Water from local sources to cure him of the disease. He decided to commemorate this miraculous deliverance from ailments setting springs near the cross of stone and several statues, one of which depicts the Virgin Mary. Gradually learned about the unique place of many, it has become very popular with pilgrims. His fame only grew when there somehow miraculously restored the blind boy.

The place where they beat sources, ennobled, and soon the daughter of Weber wished to erect a church there. Senior church officials gave the green city, and in 1892, people began to donate funds for the construction of a new church. Money collected for a long time. Only in 1905 was the correct amount of stock, so hot were found architects who built the church and the Virgin Mary "The picture" in just 5 months. Within two years, finishing work was completed, and the temple was transferred to the congregation.

Its name he received because one of the trees before the construction of the temple was a painting with the image of the Virgin.

In 1977, the care of the reconstruction of the temple took over the well-known local architect C. Sweden. In 1990, the church became applicable.

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