Fortress Linnoytus
   Photo: Fortress Linnoytus

Lappeenranta in Finnish means "coast Lapps." Founded in 1649 Queen Christina of Sweden to enhance the eastern borders, the city initially called Vilmanstrend ("coast wild man"). After the end of the Great Northern War (1701-1721 gg.) Were built earthworks, mounds, established south gate. Thus, the city has a population of only 300 people and hundreds of soldiers acquires the status of an important border fortress ("linnoytus").

The war with Russia in 1741-43 years. has led to the destruction of the fortress city and the destruction of its inhabitants, then Vilmanstrend became a Russian provincial town. It lived for some time Suvorov, who oversaw the construction of buildings in the fortress garrison. In 1803. Alexander came to the city I, and in 1885 and 1891. - Alexander III.

From 1819 to 1881. the fortress housed a prison for women convicted of infanticide. Here they had the opportunity to engage in weaving business. Then the women's prison was transferred to another location, and up to 1881. Here detained men, and after the Civil War - the "red" of the Finns. In memory of those shot on the northern fortress walls a memorial sign.

In the 50-ies. Twentieth century an abandoned prison in the reconstruction of the city was demolished.

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