River Song
   Photo: River Song

Suna River, which flows in the middle of Karelia is the second longest (280 km) and the third largest watershed in the region. The origin of the river Suna takes from a small lake Kivijärvi, located on the West Karelian Upland. Until about. Kovdozero for 30 km river is called the Sun, and after Suna. The river empties into the Bay of Lake Onega, Kondopoga.

Almost one third of the length of the river Suna occupy the lake, and the rest of the observed rapid course, with rapids and waterfalls. A total of more than 50, the biggest drop in the allocated section of the river between the 70th and 30th kilometers from Lake Kivijärvi, the mouth of the river. On this site there are 3 known waterfall: Girvas drop height - 14, 8 meters, Port-Porgy - 16, 8 meters and Kivatch - 10 7. However, in reality, you can enjoy only the third waterfall, the first two due to water drainage on Kondopolozhskuyu HPP virtually dried up. There is a project for the periodic revival of waterfalls to show tourists.

River Song is very popular among lovers of water tourism, especially among newcomers. Most of the rivers rapids are not difficult to pass. I have strong rapids rock plums on Suna are rare, but should be very careful because they begin to pull 30-40 meters and for their examination need to approach in advance.

Beach Suna mostly rocky, but there are areas with sandy beaches. The terrain is very beautiful, representing a moraine ridge plain with slight inclines. Dominated largely uneven coniferous forest with small areas of wetlands and small-leaved herbaceous plants.

On the river there are several routes of 1-2 grade. At Suna slow flow channel with an average width of about 50 meters. Basically rapids rivers belong to the first category of complexity, shiveristogo type, long and hard obnosimye. The banks formed from the debris of stones and rarely have a rocky outcropping. The strongest fall in the river downstream from the falls on the three waterfalls. The river is ideal for family groups with a little preparation, but the negligent attitude to safety is not necessary, it is better if the group is people with experience hiking 2 and 3 category of complexity.

On all routes of the river there are many good sites, which are located mainly in the forest. Only settlement on the river except for getting to / dropping is Lindozero village. The most popular rafting site on the village of Suna Porosozero begins and ends in the village Girvas.

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