Grammar school
   Photo: College

Grammar school, castle-like sand-colored, decorated with a sloping roof, lined with tiles - this is not a fantasy of the child, this is a real building in the center of Kladno. It was built early last century in two years on the project of the Czech architect Alois Dryaka.

Build in Art Nouveau style was originally built for the children, so the city authorities have taken care to interiors were bright, spacious and encourage kids to learn something new. In our time, a gymnasium - a modern school with computer and language classes, chemical and physical laboratories, sports and gym. And facilities for physical exercise are divided into male and female.

In high school are trained not only local children but also visitors who want to learn the Czech language and to continue their education in this country.

The park is adjacent to the school, you can see the monument to the woman holding the hand is not even the child, and his shadow. The sculptor solved the problem of the missing child's image as follows: boy image made concave skirt woman. This monument is dedicated to the sad events in the life of the city. It is linked to the assassination attempt on R. Heydrich in 1942. As you know, the guys who wounded deputy Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, managed to escape. Then, on the orders of Hitler's Nazis began to carry out punitive operations in nearby villages, shooting the residents who sheltered partisans. Under the raid and hit the village of Lidice. The Nazis killed all the men and women and children transported to Kladno, where locked in a gym gymnasium. Then the woman was taken to a concentration camp, and the children - in a textile factory.

Scary times are behind us, and now near the gymnasium constantly hear merry children's laughter.

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