Moldova National Opera Ballet
   Photo: National Theatre of Opera and Ballet of the Republic of Moldova

National Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Moldova in Chisinau - this is a popular venue for various cultural events in the city, on the stage which act as well-known artists of the scene, and students Choreographic College.

The history of the Opera House began in 1956 with the premiere of the opera "Grozovan" D. Gershfelda. In 1956-1970, it was formed repertoire includes works of both local artists as well as world lyrical heritage. By the end of the 70s. National Theatre's repertoire consisted of four operas: "Heroic Ballad" A. Starcea, "Casa Mare" M. Kopytmana, "Aurelia" and "Grozovan" D. Gershfelda, as well as a number of pieces of music of the world heritage.

In 1957 the country an opportunity to create their own ballet company. To this end, the students were sent to Leningrad: Tikhonov, P. Leonardi, Poklitaru V., V. Salkutsan, K. Osadchiy. After graduating from the Ballet School. AND I. Vaganova, a group of students returned to his native Chisinau and laid the basis for a ballet company. At that time, we were invited ballerina G. Melentyeva and experienced dancer P. Fesenko. The first ballet performance staged on the stage of the Moldavian Theatre of Opera - "The Fountain of Bakhchisarai", authored by B. Asafiev. After some time in the repertoire of the Opera House included the following ballets: "Shtraussiana," "Walpurgis Night" by Gounod, "Vain Precaution" Hertel and "Swan Lake" by Tchaikovsky.

During the 1970-1991 biennium. Theatre continued to grow and flourish: enriched repertoire, brought new actors, improved technical equipment and so on. As a result, Opera and Ballet Theater in Chisinau has become one of the best of the USSR. In 1980, the cultural institution has been granted a new building on the street Stefan cel Mare. The construction of this building was occupied by architects L. smoking and Gorshkov.

In 1990, there was a very important event in the cultural life of Moldova - an art project launched International Festival of Opera and Ballet Stars "invites M. Bieshu." Because of this opera and ballet country reached a new level, greatly expanding its possibilities and horizons.

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