Valentia Island
   Photo: Valentia Island

Valentia - an island off the southwest coast of Ireland, near the peninsula Iverag (part of County Kerry). It is a small picturesque island with a length of 11 km, width - about 3 km and a population of no more than 700 people (according to 2011 census). To get to the island is via Maurice ONila Memorial Bridge, which, in fact, connects Valentia Island and Ireland, or using the services of the ferry.

Today, the island of Valentia, largely due to its proximity to one of the most famous and entertaining tourist routes Ireland - Ring of Kerry, is particularly popular. However, it is worth noting that his sights are really worthy of close attention.

Discover the history of the island of Valentia you can by visiting the Heritage Center. However, a lot of interesting and informative information you can gather and use special information boards that will certainly meet, climbing Mount Geokaun (the highest point Valentia). The very same mountain Geokaun famous for excellent panoramic views and breathtaking scenery, but from the incredible cliffs Foger, which reach heights of 180 m, is simply breathtaking.

Among the attractions of the island is worth noting, and so-called Telegraph field - the memorial erected in 2002 as a reminder of what exactly Valentia in 1866 was the final step in an attempt to pave the transatlantic telegraph cable, and thus, finally, to establish a permanent link between Europe and America . You can visit the house and Glanlem and its famous tropical gardens, founded in the 1830s by Sir Peter George Fitzgerald. However, a lot of fun and you get just walking through the streets of cozy town Naytstaun (the administrative center of Valentia).

Of particular interest is the island of Valentia and paleontologists, because it was here in 1993, a student geologist were found fossils of primitive vertebrates that lived in these parts about 385 million. Years ago.

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