Blasket Islands
   Photo: Blasket Islands

Blasket Islands - a small archipelago off the western coast of the island of Ireland is about 6 km from the western tip of the Dingle Peninsula (administratively belongs to the County Kerry).

In the late 19th - early 20th century inhabitants lying on the very edge of Europe archipelago, spoke exclusively to the Irish dialect, and managed to keep their old traditions, have been the object of various anthropological and linguistic studies, which later formed the basis of the works of such famous historians, linguists Robin Flower, George Thompson and Kenneth Jackson.

By the mid-20th century, and is already not a large population of the archipelago has decreased significantly, and in November 1953 the island had left the last of their inhabitants and since then the Blasket Islands - uninhabited, but is still considered part of the so-called Gaeltacht (the area where the Irish language It preserved as a language of everyday communication among the majority of the population).

Blasket Islands gave the world such talented Irish writers like Thomas O'Krohan, Paige Sayeyrs and Maurice O'Sullivan, told the world in his fascinating works about life and culture of the inhabitants of the features of the Blasket Islands, which over time has remained almost unchanged, while maintaining the most so rare nowadays authenticity and unique flavor. These works are considered classics of Irish literature and has a great artistic and historical value.

Today Blasket Islands - is, above all, the magnificent natural landscapes and breathtaking scenery. Go on an exciting trip to the Blasket Islands from the harbor you can Ventry (subject to both group and individual tours, booking in advance is necessary to take care of). Acquainted with the history of the island can visit the small, but highly entertaining Blasket museum in the village of Dunquin (Dingle Peninsula).

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