Ruins in Olympia
   Photos: Ruins in Olympia

25 km from Kemer located the ruins of the ancient city of Olympos. The city's name was in honor of the ancient Mount Olympus, which is now called Tahtali. This is one of the most interesting places of Antalya coast. The city was founded in the III century. BC, was a member of the Lycian League. The city minted its own coins, the oldest of the coins dated to the 2nd century BC, this date appears in the ancient manuscripts of Olympus. The city served as a refuge for pirates Cilicia. They surrounded the city ramparts and kept there until the XV century.

About 42 BC Romans took over the city. This is the time of Roman rule the city quickly blossomed. But in the following century, when the rules of the Byzantine Empire, the city fell into decline and its inhabitants fled. In the 7th century, the city was subjected to raids by Arabs.

The remains of the ancient city hidden in dense vegetation. From the acropolis there were only a wall and door. Keep the walls of the Byzantine basilica, suspension bridge and the ruins of the Roman theater. As you can see the ancient necropolis of tombs and sarcophagi.

The main attraction of Olympus - Mount Chimera. On the mountain fire flares up constantly due to the fact that gas is leaking out of the ground. Here you can admire the ancient ruins of an ancient temple. This place is described in the famous "Iliad." According to the story, Bellerophon killed Chimera (a monster with a lion's head and a snake's tail, and the body of a goat) boom and then dropped the monster inside the mountain. Then on the mountain began to appear mysterious flames.

Currently, part of the Olympos National Park and is under the protection of the law, according to which the area is prohibited mass tourism. Ruins of the city, surrounded by dense greenery of laurel trees, flowering oleander, wild fig and pine trees, fascinate. Monument Olympos are the doors of the ancient temple, which is located west of the river. On ancient times reminiscent of the ancient theater, and the era of the Middle Ages left their mark in the form of city walls and towers in the Bay.

Olympos Beach extraordinarily beautiful, it is the perfect place for a relaxing holiday. It is at this beach of warm summer nights in the moonlight sea turtles lay their eggs and return to the mysterious underwater world ...

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