Museum "Silesian hut"
   Photography Museum "Silesian hut"

Museum "Silesian hut" - a museum located in Katowice, dedicated to culture and art of Upper Silesia and the works of the Polish painter Ewald Havlík (1919-1993).

The museum building was built in the early twentieth century, cousins, architects and graduates of the Royal College of Technology and Emil Georg Zilman. Originally, the building housed the stables, rooms for coachmen and coach house.

In 1986, the coal mine "Staszic" donated building. After a repair it, try to make the house a traditional Silesian character.

Initially, the museum's painting only appeared Ewald Havlík. The work took three rooms, as there appeared artist furniture sofa, an aquarium, a bird cage, a wardrobe and chest of drawers. Exhibition of paintings gradually began to supplement traditional Silesian furniture, antique utensils and household items. All of this has been collected mainly by miners and residents of nearby villages. Soon, the house of the artist has been transformed into a branch of the Municipal House of Culture.

Currently, the museum contains furniture, crockery, paintings, carpets, women's jewelry, items of clothing - everything that could be seen in the Silesian cottages of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In addition to the permanent exhibition, the museum organizes thematic workshops for schoolchildren and adults. During these meetings, you can learn more about the customs and rituals of Upper Silesia, learn to prepare traditional dishes (to make sour cabbage, bread, bake, cook bacon soup and do).

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Museum Silesian hut