Drinking fountain "boy"
   Photo: Drinking fountain "boy"

Provincial Kashin city has always been famous for the presence of many mineral springs, because of what rightfully belongs among the oldest spa resorts, located on the territory of Central Russia. Today, "Kashin resort" - it is a true health resort, bearing the function improvement.

During 1901 in the territory of the location of the resort at the Engineer Kola was done the very first time in the well, which was later elaborately decorated bronze sculpture, called "boy." This monument has survived to modern times. Monumental boy depicted in the face of the Amur River, for which he received wide recognition among tourists, vacationers and locals alike for so nice and comely appearance. The resort behind the statue carefully monitored and cared for each year it restored, cleaned, painted, thus greatly ennobling.

It is worth noting that exactly the same boy is a jewel of the central city park Santiago - the world famous capital city of Chile. Incredibly, and what looked like a boy Cupid was seen in the Russian city of Tver. It is still an open question, maybe there are still places where you can see such a remarkable sculptural figures.

In mid-1960 it was completed construction work on the pump-room, which is a beautiful building equipped with columns. This room can be visited during its operation in order to get a drink of healing, and so helpful and amazing water, including even the warm water source under the numbers 12, 12 bis and 18. Source №21 is great to rinse your mouth and throat. Well №22 is used for the preparation of health mineral baths, which are used as mandatory procedures in the sanatorium. Water from the well is amazingly rich chloride brines bromine than determines its medicinal properties.

The maximum efficiency of treatment with mineral water reached as a result of compliance with the proper technique and the necessary indications for use, which are often highly individual. For the recovery should be applied drinking the healing water systematic course in conjunction with a strict diet food - all of this together gives an excellent therapeutic effect, to a greater extent, reflected in diseases of the urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract and severe metabolic disorders. Do not forget that mineral water "Kashinskaya" has not only evidence but also contraindications for use, as is to learn in detail before its application.

Mineral water is bottled and actively implemented, thereby helping many people with prophylactic improve digestive processes, normalize the metabolism and contribute to the correction of the food supply and diet.

Today, next to the fountain "boys" have the opportunity to try the healing water from the source №18, which is located next to the pump-room.

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