Church of St. John Chrysostom in Saunino
   Photo: Church of St. John Chrysostom in Saunino

Church of St. John Chrysostom in the village of Saunino Kargopol District of the Arkhangelsk region, 5 km from the town of Kargopol. To the north the landscape as usual, that the monuments of wooden architecture, "derevyashechki" affectionately calls them local people, located in a picturesque area, usually near a river or lake. However, the ancient Church of St. John Chrysostom, built in 1665, stands in the middle of the field, near the village, the old cemetery, was once walled with huge stones.

Sauninskaya church is a classic example of hip architecture: octagon on the quadrangle .  The height of the church from the earth to the cross is 35 meters .  The tent is covered with planks 5 series .  Cut the ends of the planks form a toothed belts .  At the foot of the tent tumbled down over the sink plank planks with carved ends, perform the function of vodotechin .  On the eastern side of the quadrangle was attached to the church apse, which has a square shape in plan .  It is traditionally covered with a barrel profile with a curved forceps, which is a little cupola .  From the west to the temple quadrangle carries his refectory .  It is a rectangular frame, 2 indoor slope .  In the refectory discussed Rural Affairs, organized a celebratory feast, besides, it made it possible to expand the space for a large gathering of people .  There are often held office, which arranges for the altar with the iconostasis (chapel) .  It was a chapel in the refectory of the church of St. John Chrysostom (the southern slope of the roof rises the cupola, which symbolizes the church altar II) .

If you go inside the church, you find yourself in a small vestibule from which the low door leads into a spacious dining hall. Coming out of the refectory of the church, you can see a small Praying room. The height of the interior of the church is about 1/3 of its height. Painted ceiling ("sky") hides the escalating structure of the quadrangular to octagon and the tent. "Heaven" is arranged with a slight rise up to the central circle, from which you can see an image of the Trinity. It is divided into 12 sectors (stocks), which depicted the Evangelists and Archangels.

Refectory was probably built later sauninskoy church. It does not cut down close to the temple, so it is just adjacent to it. Apparently, it did not bother the ancient masters. In the refectory of the church of St. John Chrysostom is shifted to the south, toward the chapel, so it acts as a wall against the wall of the quadrangle. The northern wall of the refectory felled in line with the church wall.

Sauninskaya church is on a high base, so the window of the refectory are located approximately under the eaves. Often, late at night, in the repair of buildings, windows, expanded. The original windows were mica (mica was expensive), they made small, and therefore the light is passed, not all but only some of them, called the Reds. Traditionally, it was the middle of the window. The side windows were called Volokovaya, they began to move (clouds) plank boards.

The bell tower, characterized by originality and beauty, stands near the church on the south side. The form of log - 6-face (usually built bell tower with 8 faces), and also in contrast to the church building, the reception in the leg without cutting the protruding ends is thoughtful techniques to identify a straight line edges. Inside the bell tower every facet meet vertical pillars, forming spans the belfry on top of an open platform. In the center of the bell tower mounted axial pole, which is connected to the cross. The tent has a bell tower truss, unlike chopped tent temple.

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