Noto Peninsula
   Photo: Noto Peninsula

During the Yamato peninsula of Noto had great significance for the country. The peninsula placed ports and shipyards, were maritime trade and repair of ships, here was one of the military fortresses. Trade relations linked to the now non-existent with the Yamato state Bokkay, which was located in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula and in northeast China and the Russian Far East took part. Japan sent Bokkay in silk, gold and cotton, and then received the fur. At Cape Suzu it was built observation tower beacon of national importance, which were monitored by the courts.

Currently, Noto Peninsula, located in the central part of the island of Honshu, is considered to be a place that is not "spoiled" and not oversaturate modern technology, and even the high-speed train line here has not yet laid. The population of the peninsula grows rice, fish, takes tourists as well as a craft - for example, creates a lacquer ware.

Noto is the administrative territory of the two prefectures - Ishikawa and Toyama. The boundary between them is a line of hills Hodatsu, stretching from north to south. The length of the peninsula from north to south is about one hundred kilometers from east to west - from 30 to 50 kilometers. To the east is washed by Noto Toyama Bay in the west - the Sea of ​​Japan.

Noto is famous among tourists understated beauty of its landscapes, especially the western part of the peninsula. Peninsula makes it possible to observe the life of Japan's "heartland" to get acquainted with simple local cuisine, see the famous rice terraces. On Noto are colorful festivals, the most famous of which Godzingo Nabune Daiko (from 31 July to 1 August) and Isizaki Hohhot (beginning of August). Participants of the first to play the drums and put on masks from seaweed. During the second festival the streets are carrying lanterns on long poles.

Among the attractions of the island can be noted at the hot springs resort Vakurov Onsen, a Buddhist temple Soji, the market in the city of Wajima, as well as one of the oldest in the country site for sumo, which is already more than two thousand years.

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