Russian magistrates
   Photo: Russian Magistrate

Russian magistrates in the Old Town Kamenetz-Podolsk, in the area of ​​Armenian, which previously carried the name of the Soviet, and even earlier - Governor. It is a powerful two-storey stone house, which many years ago was Russian magistrate.

Approximately in 1658 known at the time the Polish King Jan Kazimierz asserts the right, which gives the Russian community to fully use this building for no later his permission. So, here it was placed control of Russian and Ukrainian quarter of the city. This right was maintained for the Russian community for twelve years. However, in 1670 Russian magistrate lost a full right to self-government and the use of this location.

Much later, an ancient and strong building was used for a variety of meetings and all kinds of fees deputies, representatives of the nobility Podolsk. And after some time, the building was used Russian magistrate even in the cultural sphere as a theater.

From 1805 to 1865 there is located a seminary. It is worth mentioning that in the seminary in the fifties of the nineteenth century gave the knowledge people such as famous Ukrainian poet Rudanskyi SV and Ukrainian writer Svidnitsky AP

The second title of the building - "House of the Dragon" because of the characteristic of the drain on the facade of the house.

Today, the building is at the disposal of the administration of Kamenetz-Podolsk Historical Museum-Reserve, which has national significance.

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