Monument Makarios Kalyazinsky
   Photo: Monument Makarios Kalyazinsky

Famous monument to St. Macarius of Kalyazin is one of the main attractions of the city. He appeared in 2008. Funds for the creation and installation of the monument were collected by citizens, and in June 2008 the sculpture patron Kalyazin, made of bronze, was installed on Karl Marx Street, leading directly to the Uglich Reservoir on the "tourist" route by which takes place every visitor of the city. The opening ceremony was the Archbishop of Tver and Kashin Victor.

The figure of St. Macarius of Kalyazin is set against the backdrop of a stylized wall element of the ancient church, with a narrow window of loopholes, with a small dome at the top, which gives the whole look of the monument, similar to the chapel. In his left hand, you can see a model of Makarios Monastery, on the right - a club monk-pilgrim. On the wall above his head smashed the holy words: "St. Macarius, Father, pray for us." This inscription in the form of an arc encircles the image of the Trinity, which is a reminder of the Trinity Monastery founded by Makarios. Around the monument - a lot of flowers, and behind him - pond, once swallowed Makarios Monastery, but the memory of it is not destroyed.

Macarius Kalyazinsky (in the world - Kozhin Zakharov) - Holy Russian Church, revered in the face of the saint, is the founder of Trinity-Kalyazin monastery. He was born around 1402 in the village Kožino Kashin district of Tver region. His parents, Vasily Kozhin and Irina were nobles. When Matthew was 18 years old, he married Elena Yakhontova who died within 3 years. After the death of his wife went to the monastery town of Kashin Klobukovsky. There was tonsured and gained the name of Makarios.

A few years later Macarius left the monastery and decided to retire to a deserted place in the 18 miles from Kashin. Here, in the midst of a dense forest, he built himself a cell. Soon he was joined by 7 Klobukovskoy elders of the monastery. After some time at the point of the hostel appeared Trinity Monastery, famous during the life of the Monk.

March 17, 1483 Makarios died. He was buried in a wooden church built by them. In the spring of 1521 during the repair work of the church was found the coffin of Makarios. The coffin was opened and, according to legend, it was found incorrupt relics of St. At the church council in 1547 Makarios was glorified among the saints.

In 1700, for the relics of the saint was made silver shrine. In the 1930s, after the abolition of the monastery relics of Macarius were taken to Tver, and later transferred to the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

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