Khurul Lagan
   Photo: khurul Lagan

Inauguration Lagan khurul held in May 1995 Funds for its construction were donated by the Dalai Lama XIV during his visit to the republic in September 1992 It was he who consecrated khurul A brand new and donated to the tank - an icon of the Buddha Sakyamuni, as well as plaster prints own hands, which were ultimately the main temple relics Lagan.

Construction was started khurul director of engineering plant BA Badmaeva. This work was continued by his successor V.X. Mandzhiev. The construction of the church took an active part Aaganskogo area residents. At the dedication of the Lagan khurul attended Lama of Kalmykia, Buryatia, Mongolia and Tibet.

All Kalmyk khurul quite young. Many of them were built in the 90s. with the coming to power of President of the Republic of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. Although Buddhism as a religion there are many more centuries ago, in the 20-30-ies. The twentieth century after the arrival of Soviet power all Buddhist monasteries and khurul in the country have been closed or destroyed. They are now gradually recovering.

Before every Buddhist temple, including khurul Lagan, established ritual prayer drums called - hurde. It is said that if you make a wish and say it out loud, and the drums to twist clockwise and after bypass them around three times, wish will come true.

Near Lagan khurul You can also see a small building - with the figure of the Buddha stupa, which also can be asked about the performance desires.

All available Lagan khurul icons were traditionally made on the fabric. The most revered of them are tanks with faces of Maitreya, Amitayus, Elder White, and White Tara.

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