Herodian quarter (Wohl Archaeological Museum)
   Photo: Herodian quarter (Wohl Archaeological Museum)

Herodian Quarter - the underground archeology museum, allowing witness looked like rich area of ​​Jerusalem in Jesus' time in the lives of notable citizens.

When the Romans in the year 70 destroyed the city, the ruins of it remained, in which six decades later conquerors built their colony Aelia Capitolina. Thus, appeared buried under the ruins of the foundations of new buildings, the outlines of biblical Jerusalem disappeared from the eyes of two thousand years.

In 1948, during the War of Independence, the Jewish Quarter was once again almost entirely destroyed and came under Jordanian control. In 1967, during the Six Day War, Israel regained the old town, the reconstruction of the streets. Integral part of the archaeological research began, during which deep in the earth, scientists have discovered the remains of the luxury homes of the Second Temple period. Majestic quarter was named after Herod, although evidence of existence of the biblical King is not. Created in the eighties of the XX century archaeological museum called the Museum Wohl more - in memory of his benefactors Vivian and Maurice Wohl.

Entrance to the underground museum - a narrow street Ha Kara. Now its rooms are 3-7 meters below street level. In times of Jesus of local mansions, staggered on a hillside with a great view of the Temple Mount. Lived here a family of wealthy local aristocrats and priests - perhaps even someone from pursuing Jesus.

Six buildings in the Greco-Roman style, make up the exhibition were, apparently, two-story. To have survived only a ground floor. They are richly decorated and well equipped: preserved bathrooms, water tanks, storerooms, baths, stoves, mosaic with floral motifs, murals, fine household items. It's obvious that the standard of living of the wealthy Jerusalemites were extremely high. The largest of the six houses had an area of ​​600 square meters and a spacious balcony with views of the Temple.

The stands of the museum - an elegant ceramic vessels for wine, and oil, they are imported from other parts of the vast Roman Empire. Presented and furniture, tables with powerful stone countertops. On the wall of a menorah carved image - is the oldest known images of the menorah. All dwellings were built special bath (mikvah) required the priests for ritual ablutions. Widely represented by elegant moldings, decorating the home. In one of the rooms visible traces of fire that raged there after the fall of the city - damaged mosaics and frescoes, around the ashes.

A full view of the device of these rich homes can make for perfectly crafted layouts - premises replicated to the smallest detail, the room lit torches on cobbled streets are people in ancient robes.

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