Grave of Oskar Schindler
   Photo: Grave of Oskar Schindler

Grave of Oskar Schindler - the most unusual resting place in Israel. Jews in the Holy Mount Zion, thousands of people crying tears of gratitude to the former Nazi.

At the gate of the Catholic cemetery a sign - "To the grave of Oskar Schindler." We must go down to the lower level: a simple plate visible from afar on the stones lying on it. This is the Jewish tradition - to bring the stones on the grave of a loved one. If they are not cleaned from time to time, have long disappeared stove to a whole mound.

Oskar Schindler least looked like a man capable of causing such love.

Drinker and philanderer, this native of Moravia (Czech Republic), a spy for the Abwehr, and even sat for it in a Czech prison. In the thirty-ninth he joined the Nazi Party. As a full-blooded Aryan after the defeat of Poland was then enamelware factory, formerly owned by a Jew. Links provided in the top of the Nazi Wehrmacht orders. The plant thrived. We worked on it the Jews from the Krakow ghetto.

Schindler drunk with senior SS men commit noisy feast, dragging polkas. But somehow humane attitude to their work. And soon there was degeneration: seasoned web businessman threw all their forces to rescue Nazis exterminated Jews.

To protect them, he bribed the SS, watered, loaded with presents. To pull out people from the death camps, referring to the necessity of the plant for the army. Forged documents. When the Wehrmacht rolled to the west and the Nazis began to massively destroy the prisoners persuaded the commandant of the camp nearest to resolve to take the workers to the factory in the Sudetenland. He received permission, but the Germans still Jews sent to the camps. Schindler tore out men, and personal secretary to Auschwitz to save the women. That did the trick, and promised to pay each of the 300 women released seven marks per day. This is the only time in history when people were released from the camp live in the working gas chambers.

An outstanding feat couple Schindler was to save 107 Jewish men from the locked cattle cars - so the SS in January frosts transported human cargo. Schindlers not only to cure those who are perishing, but in the midst of the SS terror buried according to Jewish rite frozen to death.

By the time of the collapse of Nazism tycoon was devastated. He emigrated to South America, but did not succeed there. In 1961, first came to Israel - he was greeted enthusiastically. Such visits were seventeen. Surviving helped Schindler money - by the end of his life he was a beggar, a lot of drinking. When in 1974, Schindler died, the remains of the former Nazi moved to Israel, on Mount Zion. On the tombstone - the inscription: "the unforgettable savior of 1200 persecuted the Jews."

This person could be earning under the Nazis, escape to the West. Over the years, every day he risked deadly. Several times he missed the Gestapo, he fought bribes. He was a product of the Nazi hell and felt it, like a fish in water. But in 1993, Oscar and Emilie Schindler Israel named Righteous among the Nations.

Schindler himself once said: "I had to help them. There was no choice. "

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