Gethsemane Grotto
   Photo: Gethsemane Grotto

Gethsemane Grotto, which lies on the slopes of the Mount of Olives, is known far less Gethsemane. However, it is likely that it is here played out a part of the Gospel drama associated with the earth's last night of Jesus.

Traditionally believed to be the Garden of Gethsemane and the last prayer Jesus' arrest. But Matthew did not mention the garden, and "a place called Gethsemane." Here Jesus led the disciples after the Last Supper, where he left them to Himself "sorrowful and very heavy" tried and executed. Here, the biblical stars sounded shrill Agony in the Garden - "Father! Oh, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: However, not my will, but thine be done! "(Luke 22:42). The apostles at this time slept, "for their eyes were heavy" (Matthew 26:43).

The teacher and the apostles spent the night here is not the first time: Luke explicitly says - "went as usual to the Mount of Olives, followed him and his disciples" (Luke 22:39). Spring in Palestine The cold night sleeping at this time of the year in wet grass with dew in the open air impossible. Most likely, in the territory of Gethsemane it had some well-known teachers cover.

Huge Grotto (11 by 18 meters) is located just a few hundred meters north of the garden. Since ancient times, there are traces of the powerful presses pressed olive oil. The word "Gethsemane" is derived from the Aramaic "oil press." Oil was squeezed in the fall-winter, spring is deserted winepress. On the eve of Easter, when Jerusalem to flood the crowds of pilgrims, these warm and dry premises surrendered vnaёm anyone.

More than likely, the Savior and the apostles spent the night in a cave. In the Gospel of John, Jesus "came" from somewhere toward the soldiers and the crowd. In the Gospel of Mark refers to "a young man", who turned out in the struggle only in the veil on the naked body - he obviously did not sleep in the open air.

Gethsemane Grotto is located to the right of the entrance to the Greek Orthodox Tomb of the Virgin Mary. Here, according to tradition, Judas led "a great multitude with swords and clubs." This was followed by a kiss of the traitor, the arrest of Jesus, a short struggle, during which Peter cut off the ear with a sword at the servant of the high priest. Fight stopped echoed in the words of the Savior millennia: "Put your sword back into its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the sword" (Matthew 26:52).

Gethsemane Grotto has changed little over the past two thousand years. Low arches supported by three powerful natural support. In the south wall is preserved recess for lever oil press.

In the IV century became the grotto chapel, the floor was paved with mosaics. When the crusaders were made here burial (they found about forty). Since then, the arches decorated with stars and scenes from the Gospels. On the walls - paintings depicting the prayer of Jesus in Gethsemane, Assumption and the same kiss of Judas.

In 1955, the cave was flooded by a flood, and a Catholic monk of the Franciscan order, responsible for the grotto, made the decision to protect the water from the original entrance, opened for pilgrims and tourists smaller northwest.

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