Mali Losinj
   Photo: Mali Losinj

Mali Lošinj back in the 12th century became a place in the bay of St. Martin in the east of the island of Losinj, where a dozen families settled herdsmen and farmers. Later the whole village turned to fishing practices, construction of ships and navigation, resulting in the settlement was the town of sea.

Because of the crisis of navigation in connection with the replacement of sailing ships by steamships, the fate of Mali Losinj and other towns with a similar history might have turned out sad. However, the identification of the beneficial effects of the climate on the island's health leisure and tourism development will open up new prospects.

Today, Mali Losinj - the largest island town on the Adriatic coast, known to almost all European tourists, as evidenced by the annual influx of visitors who want to visit the island and get acquainted with its attractions. As a result of this interest Mali Losinj began in 2007, the champion of tourism, and in 2009 earned the Silver Flower of Europe, tourism top prize, awarded annually the most green, neat and clean cities and villages of Europe, which is based European Association for Flowers and landscapes. And it is not surprising, because the city is almost drowned in the green. The streets are decorated with palm trees and cypresses, and the walls of houses - flowering bougainvillea.

At the beginning of the old town area is the Republic of Croatia, where even in 1960, the fountain was built, copying set in the town of Cres. Rising from the square on the main street of Brac Vidulicha, you can see the Church of Nativity, it stores the picture Venetian artists, as well as a unique crucifix, created by Bartolomeo Ferrari. A remarkable collection of paintings, collected over the years poet Andrei View Micic and the physician Giuseppe Piperata, offers art lovers the exposure of the local House of Culture. Church of St. Martin was devoted to seafarers in its cemetery their final resting place, and many of them are found.

A walking trail leading from Mali Losinj to the town of Veli Losinj, laid on the very coast. The short promenade in the shade of pine trees fluffy takes about an hour, while walking on the beaches you can swim platforms, which are surrounded by bizarre rock formations.

Gourmets will love the local specialties. Roasted lamb, fish dishes are especially popular with visitors to the island.

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