Castle Rychnov nad Kněžnou
   Photo: Castle Rychnov nad Kněžnou

In the environment of the Czech nobility it was very fashionable to build hunting lodges where to begin an exciting hunt, which kept a pack of hounds, and herds of thoroughbred horses, where they lived ranger who looked after the land surrounding the castle. That's great men tried: built castles all over the Czech Republic, and then bragged about them to each other.

Castle Rychnov nad Kněžnou - is one such hunting castles. It was built in the Baroque style on the site of a medieval fortress of the XIII century on the orders of Mr Kolovrat in 1690. Interestingly, the construction lasted for a long time - 14 years. Already in the next century in the castle a large-scale reconstruction. Finishing work Yang manages the famous Santini.

Near the castle is the church of the Holy Trinity, which played the role of the palace chapel.

Castle until 1948 was owned by only Kolovrat family. After the nationalization in 1990, he returned to this noble family. Nowadays, the castle is open to tourists. They will be interesting to see an extensive collection of paintings that are several centuries gathered representatives of Kolovrat, to hear the ringing bells of the third in size in the country, to get acquainted with the ornithological exhibition of the local history museum, explore the rich library of the castle, take a walk through the beautiful park.

Every summer, the castle Rychnov nad Kněžnou attracts a variety of theater groups and musical bands to showcase their skills and participate in the local festival.

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