Bozkov Dolomite Caves
   Photo: Bozkov Dolomite Caves

Reserve "Bohemian Paradise" can be a lot to offer its visitors. There are high cliffs of fantastic shapes, lakes with crystal clear water, thick impenetrable forests and deep Dolomite Caves - the largest in the Czech Republic. Local caves are divided into Old and New.

The descent into the cave Bozkov is located near the town of Bozkov. It is recommended to visit them as part of a tour group to see all the fun. Among such "highlights" exhibited to tourists, it may be noted the largest underground water reservoir in this part of Europe.

Bozkov caves discovered not so long ago: in 1947. This happened during the mining of stone in the quarry. Workers accidentally stumbled upon the deep dips in the ground, which were old cave. At the time of the discovery of forgotten until local cavers were not interested in it. Several people went down into the cave, where they found a passage in the part that was called new caves. They found a whole system of underground lakes, which were also investigated.

The caves are composed of porous rock, from which under the influence of water over time, slender stalactites and stalagmites, and other bizarre formations that can be seen during the descent.

Sightseeing 350 meters long trail includes visits to several caves that are named very poetically. Here you can find the "November cave", "Swan Lake" and so on.

Bozkov dolomite caves are open to travelers since 1969. At the checkout you can get them a card and a small guide.

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