St George's Nunnery
   Photo: St. George's Nunnery

St George convent located on Mount Dubrovka - one of the attractions of Yessentuki.

In November 1998, the Metropolitan of Stavropol and Vladikavkaz Diocese Gideon gave his blessing to the construction of the temple on Mount Dubrovka, which was later consecrated in the name of St. George the Great Martyr. For lining the walls of the monastery was used white Ural marble. The interior of the monastery is represented by marble columns and floor mosaics. At the same time it was set golden domes and bell tower was erected.

In 2003, the lord Theophanes (Archbishop of Vladikavkaz and Stavropol) has been given the blessing to build in this place of the convent, which also had to be placed a shelter for orphaned girls. Immediately after the shrine erected a chapel built, the icon shop and a separate building, which is inhabited by nuns, novices, pilgrims and pupils of the orphanage. The first nuns arrived at the monastery in the winter of 2006 and they lived in the construction trailer.

In April 2006 the official opening of the St. George convent. Abbess was appointed its first nun - Varvara (Shurygina). In the same year, at Christmas, when the monastery opened a shelter for orphaned girls. In 2009, the monastery began painting.

In St. George's Monastery, there are many relics, among them: the icon of the Blessed Virgin "Theodore" and the Blessed Virgin Mary "Vsetsaritsa" relics of St. George, St. Luke (Simferopol), Reverend Jonah Kiev and St. Seraphim of Sarov, and all the Saints wives Diveevo.

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