Tower Khalifa
   Photo: Tower Khalifa

Tower Khalifa or Burj Khalifa as the Arabs themselves call it, is a large-scale and innovative, architectural and engineering feat in recent years. The highest building in the world is literally pierces the sky, its height is 828 meters, which, by comparison, is seven times greater than the height of London's Big Ben. The opening of this grand skyscraper on 4 January 2010, just 6 years after construction began. About 13 000 workers worked day and night tirelessly to ensure that every new floor construction giant appeared not later than three days after the previous one. Now this "Tower of Babel" Dubai is a great variety of offices and private apartments, here is the well-known hotel Armani - the world's first hotel, the decoration is completely designed by the Italian fashion designer Giorgio Armani.

For visitors the most interesting is an observation deck located on the 124th floor of the Tower. Those brave who dare to ascend on high-speed elevator to 442 meters above the ground, waiting for a truly worthy reward - incredible in its beauty and scale panorama of Dubai. Experts say that observe a bird's eye beauty of the city with the best 16 to 18 hours, as in this case it is possible to compare Dubai day and evening, each of which is not difficult to guess, it has a charm of its own. In order not to deprive yourself of this pleasure, it is best to attend to purchase tickets, for example, the official website of the Burj Khalifa.

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