Dzukija National Park
   Photo: Dzukija National Park

Near the town of Druskininkai, Lithuania situated in the south of Dzūkija National Park, founded in 1991. It was created to preserve the natural landscape, pine forests and villages of the region. The area of ​​the national park is about 550 square kilometers along the banks of the Neman River.

Dzukija National Park is the largest protected area in Lithuania. This is a wonderful region of dry pine forests, continental dunes, incredibly clear rivers in deep valleys. The park is endowed with a variety of springs, the valley of the Nemunas, small lakes, rich forests, which occupy almost the entire territory of the park (91%). But a lasting impression on visitors to produce a unique and extraordinary village Dzuku bor - Margionys, Zervynos, Musteyka, Jura. Here you can admire the many rivers - from a small spring to the vast river of Lithuania. In the journey you can go all year. In the summer, for example, the trip can be arranged canoeing and biking, and in the autumn in the park - lots of mushroom pickers. And no one could hear complaints of rain, as he almost immediately absorbed into the sandy ground and mushroom any rain is beneficial.

The river valleys of the Nemunas, Uly Merkys, Skroblasa, chest, near rivers Musteyka and Povilnis, the memory array of continental dunes daynavosskogo boron erosive geomorphological ensembles Lishkyavos, Utsekos, Strauёs and Pakrikshtes, swamps Didzhbales, Imishkyu, Bakanausku and Delin, dry forests, characteristic Dzūkija, rare species of plants and animals - the core values ​​that draw travelers yearning for nature.

Surprisingly meandering river Skroblaus - from the source, which is called Babi spring garden, to Merkys, just 17 kilometers away - always abounding and cold. One of the most beautiful Lithuanian rivers is the river Ula passes across the strip of continental dunes and flows through a small valley among expressive crumbling cliffs. Its valley is a unique Spring Lake Ulos ACIS. A pile of river is popular with numerous loops and wide floodplain.

Of interest to visitors will be relics of ancient apiculture, which are hollow pines, which are called "board". They have done a elongated vertical moves, and space for the bees. Natural heritage sites declared 21 hollow pine.

At the confluence of the rivers Nemunas and Merkys once stood Castle Myarkines. His greatness tell pillars city gates, which are now far enough away from the decreased town.

Mound Lishkyavos popular towering remains of the stone tower. Next to them is an ensemble of the temple of the Holy Trinity and Dominican monastery, built in the XVIII century. 7 altars in the rococo style is one of the most beautiful shrines in Lithuania.

However, ethno-cultural village elections and Prinemanskij Dzūkija are the most valuable. 4 of them - Linezheris, Dubininkas, Musteyka and Zervynos - declared monuments. Also interesting village Mardasavo, Zhyuru, Margёnyu, Puvochyu other, popular for its ensembles, distinctive traditions, theater. The village is laid out in an unusual way Yuonёnay boulders. This indicates that there was once an astronomical observatory.

The park contains 10 monuments and 40 art monuments (mostly churches Merkinė, Marcinkonys, Liškiava and altars). The restored guerrilla dugouts in the villages and Virshurodukis Kaschyunay, the remains of shelters near the village Kazimeraytisa Skroblaus, at the Hill of Crosses Merkinė reminiscent of the post-war struggle.

Master Black Ceramic glorify Merkinė neighborhood. But in the villages, the tradition, the people engaged in weaving, braiding, knitting. In Merkinė you can visit the museum, but Marcinkonys -etnografichesky Museum. Also, you expect a nature museum Chyapkyalyu. In Subartonise a museum-estate of the writer Vincas Mykolaitis - Putinas.

The territory of Dzūkija park is divided into 10 forest districts. The park employs about 200 people. The park is part of the Baltic Association of National Parks and the Federation of European national parks.

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