Donetsk Botanical Garden
   Photo: Donetsk Botanical Garden

One of the main attractions of the city of Donetsk is a botanical garden, which is located on the highway Makeyevka, along Bogodukhovskaya beams. This scenic area due to its area - 262, 2 hectares, occupies the first place in Europe.

Botanical Garden of the city was founded in June 1964 as a research institute for the study of basic and applied problems in biology southeastern Ukraine. In 1983, this magnificent garden was granted the status of a monument and botanical garden of national importance. A year later he was awarded the silver medal for the work of the United Nations for the protection of nature. In December 2001, collections of plants of the garden was given the status of "national property of Ukraine."

One of the most important results of this garden is the creation of collections of plants protected and open ground, which demonstrate the diversity of flora in different regions of the globe.

On the territory of the botanical garden grows more than 5,000 species of exotic plants and under the glass is as much as 1200 sq. m area that allow you to organize 5 greenhouses with exotic plants and simulate all conditions for them to the tropics and subtropics.

A collection of the botanical garden has about 70 species protected at the international level, and 90 species that are protected at the regional level, as well as grow here 97 species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. With such a rich collection of garden blooms from early spring to late autumn.

The structure of the botanical garden is divided into 4 departments, employing different research groups. This Department of Dendrology and Floriculture, Department of Flora mobilization department of plant resources and various industrial department of botany.

Despite all the environmental problems of Donbass, thanks to such big green treasure as the Botanical Garden, Donetsk is one of the well-landscaped industrial cities of Ukraine.

Donetsk Botanical Garden is open for the visitors from May to November, and for lovers of tropical and subtropical plant tours are held here throughout the year.

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