Ancient Delphi
   Photo: Ancient Delphi

Delphi, one of the oldest cities in Greece, located on the slopes of Mount Parnassus, famous in antiquity for its Temple of Apollo and the famous Delphic Oracle, which gathered for divination pilgrims from all over the known world. Delphi is rightly considered to be the center of all the Hellenic world.

Then there were the Pythian Games - Pan-Hellenic Festival to commemorate the victory of Apollo over Python. Initially, it was a competition of poets and musicians, the patron of which was Apollo, but 586 BC. e. the program included games and sports. Recent Pythian Games were held in 394 AD. e. At the same time, Emperor Theodosius I was completely broke and closed, and the Temple of Apollo. Archaeological excavations begun in 1892, were discovered remains of a temple, theater, racecourse, ralichnyh monuments and many inscriptions that helped restore the overall appearance of the sanctuary.

The ruins left from the Temple of Apollo, dated IV century BC But the sanctuary on this place existed in more ancient times - at the end of the VIII century. Sacred road led to the temple of Apollo and was decorated with three thousand statues and treasures for gifts and thank offerings. Sybil Stone stands on the very spot where. According to legend, the first priestess prophetess uttered their predictions. The theater, built in the V century BC, contains more than 5000 spectators.

In the southeast of the temple Apolllona is a sanctuary of the goddess Athena to the ruins of the temple of the IV century BC Preserved Rotunda - Tholos, the purpose of which is still unknown.

The stadium, which hosted the Pythian Games, survived quite well. It can accommodate about 7000 spectators and is made of limestone from Mount Parnassus

It was believed that anyone who came to Delphi, must perform a ritual bath in the holy waters of the Castalian key. The poet Byron plunged into the waters of this source under the influence of tradition, according to which the Castalian key awakens poetic inspiration.

Collection of the Museum of Delphi includes a collection of sculptures and architectural fragments found during excavations.

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