Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Museum
   Photo: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Museum

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Museum - one of the major art museums of Copenhagen. The museum is located in the city center, behind Tivoli Gardens.

Carlsberg Glyptotek was founded in the 19th century, a great admirer of art by Carl Jacobsen - son of the famous Danish brewer Carlsberg. Carl Jacobsen and his wife Ottilia were collectors and connoisseurs of art, especially of ancient times. In 1888, they donated his extensive collection to the Danish state. The collection is housed in a new building, with time the museum was named Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Museum.

The author of the project of the first wing of the museum in 1897, was a prominent architect William Dalerup. In 1906, under the direction of architect Khaki Kampmann, work began on expanding and improving the museum building. It designed a new wing walls and dome of the Winter Gardens. In 1996, the museum has expanded genius architect Henning Larsen.

The museum has on view works of art from different eras. The ground floor has a large collection of sculptures Kaya Nielsen, Degas, Rauch, as well as the famous French sculptor Rodin. You can also see here an extensive collection of antique sculpture from Egypt (relief from the tomb), Middle East (reliefs of the Assyrian palaces, and funeral sculpture), Greece (in particular, the famous archaic "head Rice», VI cent.), Cyprus and Etruria ( sarcophagi). On the second floor is a collection of paintings of Danish artists of the XIX century, French artists and other classics of the late XIX century - beginning of the twentieth century (in particular Paul Gauguin).

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Museum is an important historical landmark in Denmark. Each year the museum is visited by many tourists from all over the world.

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