Cetinje Art Museum
   Photo: Cetinje Art Museum

In 1950, it was established in Cetinje Art Museum. Initially, its location served as a city library Cetina. Today, he is a former Government House along with the Historical Museum.

The latest data stored in the museum about three thousand exhibits, most of which were in his store at the end of the last century. These include old paintings and sculptures as well as works by contemporary artists. Many of these masterpieces, including a collection of icons and paintings, the museum received a gift from Svetozar Tempo and his wife are in the museum's permanent exhibition.

The most valuable copy of the Art Museum is considered to be an icon of the Virgin Filermskoy, which was written by his family mkonopistsev Dmitrievich-Rafailovici refers to Kotor school of icon painting. According to ancient tradition, directly related to the appearance of the icon he had the apostle Luke. According to the Orthodox community, an icon of the Virgin Filermskoy is miraculous.

The icon for some time was owned by orders of chivalry, the royal house of the Romanovs (about 120 years, during which the salary of the icon has been replaced with the silver on gold), the monastery of Ostrog, and only in 1950 was the exhibit of Cetinje Art Museum and is now in his blue room .

Besides the works of Montenegrin, Serbian and Croatian sculptors and artists in a variety of techniques and styles, the museum also presents some masterpieces by Picasso, Chagall, Dali, Renoir and others.

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