Pond Stagno di Molentardzhius
   Photo: Pond Stagno di Molentardzhius

Stagno di Molentardzhius - pond, spread over an area of ​​more than one thousand acres in the vicinity of the city of Cagliari in Sardinia. From the east it is bounded by quarter quart north - Viale Marconi, from the south - Is Arenas.

Molentardzhius - very ancient pond: it is known that about 100 thousand years ago, in this place there was a large pond or swamp. In the days of the Phoenicians here began mining salt, which continued during the reign of the Spanish and later, under the Piedmontese. Initially, salt was mined the villagers - they worked in the summer months. Then, between the 9th and 10th centuries, for this hard work started to use prisoners. Hence the name Molentardzhius "sous molenti" - a small Sardinian donkey, which was loaded with sacks of salt and which has been used for boats in the canals.

In the first decades of the 20th century method of obtaining salt it was modified - there was a system of tanks in which the salt began to evaporate: seawater is pumped into the external pool, and then she slowly pumped into the central pool. From the central basin channel Is Arenas water enters the "salt" in a quart tubs where the evaporation process is completed, and salt.

But Molentardzhius is not only economic but also ecological value - the whole territory of the pond ecosystem is of great significance. This natural reserve is home to thousands of birds belonging to 200 species! Despite the establishment of the supports in the center of the pond, wastewater discharges, poaching and various forms of pollution, the incredible variety of ornithological Molentardzhiusa continues to fascinate scholars and tourists. In the near future it is planned to create a natural park with a museum and library. In the meantime, on the shore of the pond you can find pink flamingos, curlews, striped stilts, plovers, moorhens, marsh harriers, wild ducks, small sultanok and other birds that inhabit both freshwater and salt water.

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